Remember that everything is energy. Thoughts are also energy impulses. The 'thinker' (we'll get to that in a minute) in you creates a thought that develops in to an electromagnetic wave pattern of energy. Energy behaves as energy and attracts or is attracted to other energy of the same wavelength, like a magnet.
This is why we get what we think about most. If we constantly have a repeated thought, then this pattern of energy is formulated and released and is thus attracting things/experiences/people that are vibrating at the same frequency.
This way we become and attract what we think about most -whether we want it or not!
Some entries:
Why do some thoughts manifest in form and others do not$%:
You know as well as I do that not everything we think about manifests in to form. There is one simple explanation of this - the thoughts were not very strong electromagnetically. They simply did not have enough 'oomph'. This is why we do not create absolutely everything we think about.
Thank goodness! I do not want everything I think about to transpire! I certainly do not always have the purest of thoughts. Whereas I might like a pile of cash to magically appear just by thinking about it, by the same token, I would not want Aunty Sally to really grow the elephant ears I imagined each time she nagged me.
The thoughts that do manifest however, have a very strong magnetic pull - they are amplified.
Feelings are the amplifiers of thought
Notice the difference between a thought that is simply an image, and a thought that you can feel, that you resonate with.
Think of the word 'car'. Got it$%: The word 'car' on its own is not very exciting.
Now take the word 'car' and think of it as your favourite car. Maybe it is silver, a convertible, brand new, with an awesome stereo. Think of yourself in this car, spinning along the highway on your favourite drive, maybe looking out on the ocean, wind in your hair, sun sparkling on the water, favourite tunes you notice something inside$%: You feel different - you feel excited, thrilled, happy.
The difference in the two scenarios is the visualisation exercise where you imagined and experienced and allowed yourself to feel as if you were there experiencing amplified the thought of a 'car'.
In practical terms, if you want to manifest something, you can't just think about it, you need to feel about it.